100 Word Challenge – A bit of a change..

by limebirdwriters

I am back! Woop! Hi everyone, did you miss me? OK, so the prompt this week is a bit different. I’ll hand over to Julia to explain:

The prompt this week is to go back to last week’s entries. You are to use the last 10 words of the post next to yours and using just 100 words create a story. It may be a follow-on from the previous one or you may like to take it in a different direction. So:
  1. You find your entry HERE
  2. You go to the next entry (if you were 6 you go to 7 etc)
  3. Using the last ten words as the prompt you write your piece. The prompt can be anywhere in the piece but must be complete as it was in the original.
  4. If you didn’t take part last week, choose any entry to use the last 10 words from.

100 word challenge

So, I wrote my piece in my lunch break yesterday… then forgot that I would be off work today, so it’s saved on my work computer, so I’m afraid I’m missing again! What a twonk! However, you have got some awesome stories from LimebirdKate, LimebirdLaura and LimebirdSally, and the prompt that we had was from the blog Moonlightened Shelves and the last few words were –  “Maybe this demon-thing wasn’t in the cards.”



Maybe this demon-thing wasn’t in the cards, I thought as I clung to the cliff. My sensors have been out-of-whack ever since I met my target, Ewan MacGregor. I can’t sleep upside-down or evaporate, and the thought of blood is nauseating. Now, here I am, swinging from a rock while Ewan tries to save me, his killer. His blood is rushing furiously with his effort to pull me to safety. Kill him, I ordered myself. But I can’t. I wrestle out of his grasp and fall to my death, until I see broad wings and he’s flying to catch me.



Alice just shot a man. “What have I gotten myself into?” wondered Alice. Maybe this demon-thing wasn’t in the cards.

“You’re in too deep now Alice, Mr. Rabbit is about to lead you to the drug.” A voice crackled in her ear-piece.

Quietly, Alice made her way up the street, never losing site of Mr. Rabbit. He was standing silently, dumbfounded that a man was just shot right in front of his eyes, seemingly from out of nowhere.

“Where’s the drug, code name demon-thing?” Alice demanded as she approached.

Mr. Rabbit held a device up, “Just look through the looking-glass…”



The explosion left the enchanted card suspended in the air.

“Yes,” he cried, his voice echoing against the walls of the cave in adoring applause.

With a trembling hand, he took the edge of the card between his thumb and fingertip and checked the sorcerer’s cage…



He shouted a curse that brought a wave of mocking echoes from the cave walls. Twelve years of preparation just to fail? He kicked the fire to cinders, grabbed his potions and strode out of the cave.

He didn’t notice the demon curled-up in the nape of his neck…but he would soon.

12 Responses to “100 Word Challenge – A bit of a change..”

  1. Goodness – so many demons! Great adventures ladies and such good reads!

  2. Lots of demons and devilish do– and so very creative, all!

  3. Yes I wanted to jump in here on this. But, I realized I didn’t have a post, in order to have a post next to my non-existant post for the last ten words from that post ……….. sorry.

  4. Always entertaining to read your replies to these challenges!

  5. Love demons myself so these were fun to read. I loved everyone’s of course but Laura’s stuck out to me. Dark versions of Alice are some of my favorite characters. I really need to get in shape and do these again. 😦

  6. Sally: I love that creepy ending! Nice literal twist on that “in the cards” phrase. There is something sinister about magicians, at their core. (Perhaps it’s the preponderance of eyeliner, these days…!)
    Laura: Solid strangeness, and a neat use of imagery. I actually wasn’t certain if these were merely codenames, or if these were Alice and the Rabbit! 🙂
    And Kate: I don’t know if it’s because I’ve had a crush on Ewan MacGregor since “Shallow Grave” or not, but I loved the magical, heroic reveal at the end! Nice mix of fantastic and reality!

    Thank you for the contributions, Limebirds! 😀

  7. Excellent, love the demons. Very creepy x


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