100 Word Stories – ‘As The Apple Fell’

by limebirdwriters

OK, so it’s Friday (finally!) and it’s our 100 Word Challenge from Julia’s Place ! This week the prompt is ‘as the apple fell’. Firstly apologies for how late this post is, but I was so busy today, which also meant that I couldn’t write my piece which I usually write just before putting the post up, so sorry about that! However, you have some AWESOME pieces to read below, which I know you will enjoy. If you would like to take part, then scroll down to the bottom for more information.

100 word challenge

This week you have the wonderfully talented Limebirds Kate, Neeks and Vanessa!


Fingers paled with poison
Cackles bounced off water in the well
A murder of crows rose into the air
As the apple fell.

A prince bent down to kiss empty lips
They all waited in frozen terror
The mirror was queried one final time
No longer was she the fairer.

The spell could not be broken
Even by the prince in love
For I saw what would happen
And I summoned the dragon from high above.

The dragon’s breath counteracted true love’s kiss
And in death she looked serene
I bowed in sorrow with my brothers six
And pretended to despise the queen.

Crisp fall air filled my seven year old lungs as I ran past the trees; searching for the best one.  The air was cold; making my chest hurt little with each breath.  Apple picking in October.  I gathered apples and laughed as I chucked them at big brother Tom.I found it.  Perfection.  A red and golden globe hanging just out of reach.  The perfect colors too.  Not too red, not too yellow; no green at all.  Tom reached for it.  As the apple fell I heard Mom calling and turned to see a halo of sunlight around her as she smiled at us. 

She looked up high

She looked down low

It didn’t seem that bad

She knew that crisp red apple

Would make her tummy glad.

She scrambled up the mighty trunk

With dextrous style and speed

And shimmied along the outstretched branch

What possibly could go wrong?

Some might say she leaned too far

Some say she took no care

She heard a little cracking sound

And as the apple fell from high

She beat it to the ground.

As she lay upon the grass

A little dazed and bruised

She saw the apple roll away

And sighed “I guess that means no treat today”

Would you like to have a go at a 100 word story? Well, head on over to Julia’s Place for the rules and either add your offering in the comments, or do your own post, but don’t forget to either link back to us or let us know in the comments so we can come and read!

20 Comments to “100 Word Stories – ‘As The Apple Fell’”

  1. Apologies for the formatting on this guys. I can’t seem to make it work the way I want it too. Vanessa’s should be in groups of 5,4,5,4. However, overlooking that, you guys are so awesome, you never cease to amaze me how creative you are.

    Kate – I LOVE this. The imagery you create is so good. You definitely have a massive talent in poetry.

    Neeks – I could completely imagine this scene, I really enjoyed reading it. Especially the last line.

    Vanessa – Sorry about the formatting, I know you’re going to hate that! haha. This made me smile actually even though she didn’t get her happy ending. I liked the rhythm of it! x

  2. Kate – I really like the different POV on a recognised story! I like the ‘my brothers six’ bit.

    Neeks – You really have a way of painting a picture and making it come alive. There’s so much movement in the words, I know that probably sounds pompous but I don’t know how else to describe it!

  3. Wow!

    Kate, the brothers Grimm have nothing on you!

    Neeks, thanks for lightening the mood after the dark fairy tale!

    Vanessa, formatting glitches or not, I have a fun image of a little girl dusting herself off who will try again!

  4. Kate – I love how you twisted the traditional story – very well done and beautiful imagery
    Neeks – beautiful – made we want to chuck apples at my big brothers, actually. It felt timeless and warm
    Vanessa – it gave me a little chuckle – nothing will keep her down for long, reminds me of my Emily, who just recently took a dive from a tree (she’s fine, the tire swing broke). She’s already asking where the next swing will be. I fear when our apple trees are big enough to climb, she’ll be eating all the apples 😀

  5. All great, but I have to say Kate is my pick for this week — I love your slant on the fairy tale.

  6. Kate I really loved your piece! Completely original take on the old theme, I loved it, well done! 🙂 That last bit, about pretending to hate the queen – that was great!

    Vanessa I could just see the wheels turning in that little girls head as she looked upward from the ground. Not what I expected at all (we seem to do a lot of horror on here?? LOL), I figured she would fall and die or something. You set the scene very well!

  7. Neeks, yours is wonderful. I can fully picture that autumn day picking apples, even that perfect apple you describe is what I would think is the perfect apple, too. A really nice piece.

  8. Great job Vanessa. This reminds me of any small child who has no sense of fear or danger, and will do anything to win the prize. Glad she didn’t get too hurt!

  9. Beautiful 100 words from each of you, too hard for me to rate. One day I will find the time to join the 100 word challenge over at Julia’s place!

Limebird Writers Love To Peck At Comments! :)