100 Word Stories – ‘returning to the routine’

by limebirdwriters

Merry Friday everyone! We haven’t done this for a while because many of us haven’t been as inspired by prompts as usual, but we’re back and this week the prompt set by Julia’s Place  is… ‘ … returning to the routine…”

The challenge is to write a 100 word story using that prompt. If you would like to have a go, then scroll down to the bottom for more information.

100 word challenge


This week we have myself and Limebirds Kate, Neeks and Vanessa taking part.


Returning To The Routine

Alarm buzzing , teeth cleaning , hair brushing , clothes choosing , cereal eating , tea slurping, eye rubbing , mouth yawning , car starting , traffic sitting , anger rising , radio blasting , keys jangling , bag unpacking, computer starting , water gulping , pen tapping , fingers typing , ideas swirling , head pounding , eyes straining , lights flickering , tea making , phone ringing , shop visiting , book reading , soup eating , brain frying , mouth yawning , bag packing , keys jangling , car starting, traffic sitting , anger rising ,  dinner making , tv watching , sun setting , shower splashing , teeth cleaning , pyjamas wearing , lights dimming , head resting , dreams coming.

Alarm buzzing..


They tell me I can go home, and I think about how I walked home with him.

They tell me I can play music, and I think about singing with him.

They tell me I can return to school, and I think about sharing notes with him.

They tell me I can work, and I think about bagging groceries with him.

They tell me I can have fun, and I think about Saturdays with him.

They tell me my wounds aren’t permanent, and I think about the wounds on him.

They tell me I’m alive, and I think about how I’m alive without him.


I’ve found that if I line them up nicely, I can cut the legs off very efficiently. Line up those beauties, cut their stems, pop them in a vase.  It saves time and on Valentine’s Day at “Petal Pushers” time is certainly a valued commodity.  As are roses… and baby’s breath.  But mostly red roses.We’re busy for weeks ahead of time, ordering flowers and vases and arranging deliveries and such.  This year along with the eleventy-five lover’s specials, I have a wedding to do as well.  Wonderful for revenue, but there’s something to be said for returning to the routine the following day.


They predicted this. I know because I’ve read the ancient texts from the 21st Century. They said that the line between man and machine would become increasingly blurred until eventually there would be no line, and man would become machine. What they didn’t predict was that only some of us would retain the ability to feel, and care. At least I hope I’m not the only one. I must stop these thoughts now and start work. the machines are returning from the booster cell, returning to the routine of work. If they know I have been thinking instead of working they will terminate me.

Would you like to have a go at a 100 word story? Well, head on over to Julia’s Place for the rules and either add your offering in the comments, or do your own post, but don’t forget to either link back to us or let us know in the comments so we can come and read!

36 Comments to “100 Word Stories – ‘returning to the routine’”

  1. You guys are always so awesome:

    Kate – I love your poetry, it’s always so rythmic and powerful.

    Neeks – Really enjoyed this, like the name of the flower shop, hehe. I would have known this was written by you because of the eleventy-five! 🙂

    Vanessa – Ohh really interesting, I want to know more. In my head the scene of this was like the one in Total Recall (not sure if you’ve seen this), but yeah… I like the different take on it!

  2. Oh, Beth, you’ve captured too, too well so many of my days, this way…! 😀
    Kate, the quiet tragedy of the narrator’s loss is so heartfelt. There’s nothing much overt, but it’s all powerful.
    Neeks, I really liked the quick efficiency of your description, especially the first line. (My mind went somewhere quite different, at first!)
    Vanessa, this is a nice twist into desperate darkness; the tension is almost palpable.

    What a return to form, Limebirds! 😀

  3. They are all wonderful –

    I have to say, Kate’s struck a special chord with me – our oldest daughter (12) passed away in April and your words are so much of what I feel. Thank you – it’s beautiful in its simplicity.

    Beth – I love yours – the sense become alive with it and it fits the prompt so well.

    Neek – I like your opening discription especially. 🙂

    Vanessa – such a fun creative take – very different – I’m a fan of sci-fi 😀

  4. *Cough* I don’t want to be Mrs Rule-Stickler (although that’s quite a cool sounding name!), but can I point out that we were actually supposed to include the words ‘returning to the routine’ in our text to make it 104 words in total, not just use it as a prompt, and only 50% of us did! Just sayin’ 😉 But that aside…

    Beth – Really good, and something different, and yet something we can all relate to!

    Kate – Beautiful. Nothing more needs to be said.

    Neeks – Liked it a lot, a little colourful glimpse into a slice of someone’s life.

  5. It’s good to see you all back at this. I’ve missed you the last few Fridays. Well done as always, ladies. 🙂

  6. Wow — all great in different ways. Beth, that feels so much like my day, I almost shouted when I read it. Kate, very poignant; Neeks, you have that thought right on — special is fun, but routine is far more comfortable; Vanessa, I want to hear more of this story — how did humans go over the hump to machines, and why machines could terminate humans-who-are-machines. Very provocative!

  7. I think me and Beth share the same day it seems…
    Kate – there is a real sense to of hurt to this little poem.
    Neeks – Boosts like this to business are the boom and bane of every business owner.
    Vanessa – There is a sense of tragedy and waste to this selection as well.

    Great work to all!

  8. I just love all your different styles. I’m so glad that I found your site.

  9. Kate, I got tingles down my spine.

Limebird Writers Love To Peck At Comments! :)