Archive for October 3rd, 2012

October 3, 2012

Pantsing Revisions

by limebirdkate

Most of us writers are familiar with the term ‘pantsing’. It refers to writing a novel without the benefit of an outline, or even a plan. At best, our muses have given us a glimmer of a story idea. We begin writing, and we let the words flow straight from our imaginations to the screen, or paper.  Writers will often find themselves in debates over the wisdom of pantsing. Some swear by the uninterrupted muse, while others insist pantsing is a waste of valuable time.

I have always pantsed my writing. As much of a planner I am in my life, I am the complete opposite in my imagination. Because I love the act of writing so much, I don’t want to ruin the experience by sterilizing my passion.

But what happens when a pantser finishes her first draft and is ready to tackle the story again. Does she pants the second draft, too? How does a writer whose natural affinity is to let words pour unhindered from her mind change tactics and become a structured planner? Is it even possible?

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