And The Winner Is….

by limebirdwriters



Congratulations to Laura who is the winner of our big 1st birthday giveaway! You have won…..

LimebirdKate – Copyedit Of Your Manuscript

LimebirdKate is offering a free in depth copyedit of a 1,000-word section of your manuscript. It can be any section of your MS, but it does have to be 1,000 consecutive words. Kate is an awesome editor, so you’ll be in great hands with her.

LimebirdVanessa – Beta Read Partner

Vanessa is offering her services to be your beta read partner! She will  beta read your short story, article, or novel and provide constructive feedback. Details on length and timing to be agreed between Vanessa and the prizewinner

LimebirdBeth – Blogs/Social Media/SEO

Want to promote your blog, but not sure where to start? Ok, this is where (hopefully) I can come in. Obviously if you’re already a blogging/social media whizz then you don’t need my help, but I am offering my expertise in the world of SEO/blogging. I can take a look at your site and give you some tips and tricks as to how to get your blog to the top of Google and how to increase your followers. I can do this over email/Skype/whatever you like.

Limebird Dennis – Poetry and E-Book

Dennis M. Lane (limebirddennis) is offering special editions of his two collections; each e-book will have a hand-written dedication scanned into the file.

The two books are:

8 Million Stories – A collection of general poems, published in November 2010.
An Alphabet – A Mind – Infinite Space
Poems of love, poems of loss.
Angry poems – happy poems.
Poems of family, poems of society.
Funny poems – frightening poems.
There are 8 Million Stories in the Naked City, these are just some of them.

The Poring Dark – Published September

A collection of 60 tales set on various worlds of the multiverse (12 short stories, 24 SF poems, 24 flash fictions). In which Dennis M. Lane looks at what it means to be human in a variety of settings. A new collection with some works previously having been seen in “Star*Line”, “Itch”, “Probe” and “Eye to the Telescope” and heard on “StarShipSofa” and “Tales To Terrify”.

For more details about the above books, plus free samples, visit here.

LimebirdSophie – Book Cover Graphic Design and Comics 

Sophie is an awesome graphic designer and is offering help designing your book cover! If you don’t have a book ready yet, then she could help you out with a funky header, logo or background for your website!

She is also giving away her special collection of Punisher Comics.

Guest Post on Limebird

We are also offering a guest post spot on the site, which you can use for whatever you like. To promote your new book, to promote your site, or even just a post about writing. Please be aware that this post may be subject to editing and must be appropriate for Limebird.

Limebird Mug and Extra Goodies

Just what everyone needs… a Limebird mug! We all know as writers, we go through many cups of tea and coffee, so why not drink it Limebird style! This mug will be ordered when the winner is announced as it will have your name on the back too! Also, you know us Limebirds like a bit of fun, so there’ll also be some fun extras hidden in with your prize! 🙂

Thanks to all those that entered the competition and congratulations again to all the winners! Woop!

Love the Limebird Writers x

12 Comments to “And The Winner Is….”

  1. I’m delighted to have made the finals!

    Congrats to you, Laura! Well done!

  2. Thank you! I am so glad I was procrastinating that day (from work, not writing) and felt inspired to enter! Having read through all those fabulous prizes I am extremely chuffed! Look forward to reaping and sharing the rewards by working with fellow limebirders!

    Going to pour myself a celebratory glass of something!


  3. Congratulations, Laura! Those are some fantastic prizes, and I look forward to seeing your finished project on the shelves, soon! 🙂

  4. Ahmaggehrd! So jealous!!

    Big congratulations, Laura 😀

  5. Congratulations to Laura! You have won some awesome talent to help you with your writing!

  6. Congrats on the win Laura 🙂

  7. Congratulations Laura!

    Can you let me know if the dedication should be to you or someone else? Also, is there a special message that you would want in the books.

    Best wishes,


  8. Congrats! 😀

  9. congrats =)

Limebird Writers Love To Peck At Comments! :)