And The Winners Are….

by limebirdwriters

So, over the last two weeks we have been running a Big Giveaway to win Kindle Vouchers and an e-book by Rebecca Berto called ‘Drowning in You’. We received 2,006 entries which is absolutely amazing! Thanks so much to everyone that entered. So, the time has come to choose the winners! The winners are chosen randomly using, so don’t you give me that pouty face, it wasn’t up to me! Ok, I know you just wanna know who the winners were, so here we gooooo….

Prize 1  – £10 (or your equivalent currency)  Kindle Voucher – WINNER = Alithú Oliva Reyes

Prize 2 – £5 (or your equivalent currency)  Kindle Voucher – WINNER = LordScree

Prize 3 – 2 x E-copies  of Rebecca Berto’s ‘Drowning In You’ – WINNERS = Michelle N Scott Cuvillier and Laura Helder

Congratulations! I will be sending out an email to the winners, and they have 72 hours to respond otherwise a new name will be drawn. Well done to the winners and thanks everyone for entering. 🙂

Beth and the Limebird Writers x


11 Comments to “And The Winners Are….”

  1. Congrats to all the winners!

  2. Congratulations to the winners, and to all of you at Limebird, who have completed another terrific giveaway! 😎

  3. Giveaways are always such fun, congratulations to the winners!

  4. Congratulations to the winners! And Limebirders rock for the cool giveaways!

  5. Congratulations to the winners, and that really was an amazing number of entries!

  6. Congratulations to these winners! Always nice to see so many entries, too. Makes me think reading isn’t quite dead, yet. 😉

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