Limebird Writers Are Kreativ Bloggers! (Happy 2012!)

by limebirdwriters

It is the 1st January 2012 and we have been passed on a Kreativ Blogger award, how lovely! Thank you ever so much to the wonderfully talented Laura from Cheesecake Summer for giving us this award!


Firstly, what a peculiar spelling… hmms, who did that then? Wait, sorry, these are the rules..

The rules:

1. Share 10 things you don’t know about me.
2. Pass the award onto 6 other bloggers.

Ok, these bloomin things are hard because there are 12 of us. So, what I’m going to do instead is say a little bit about how I met each of the Limebird Writers.

Beth – Oh, that’s me. Here’s something you might not know about Limebird – I came up with the idea for Limebird Writers while sitting in a park near my work in the summer. The name came from a mixture of different things, mainly because I love wings – angel wings, bird wings etc, I also liked the symbolism of freedom, so I wanted birds in it somehow. I wanted Lemonbird at first, but there seemed to be quite a few things into Google, and then I landed on Limebird. I just loved the idea of a completely different name and there it was.

Sophie – Ah Sophie, Sophie, Sophie. There are so many tales, but if you want to read about when we met, you should check out this post – ‘First Words’.  She has been one of my best buddies ever since we were about 5 years old and have stuck together ever since. Her love and passion for all things sci fi and the world of comic is evident in her posts!

Francesca – Francesca I met when I was about 16 and she was 14 (or it could have been younger – correct me if I’m wrong love!) when we were working in a pharmacy together. I talk to her pretty much every day and if I don’t, we both get upset! (OK, mostly me.) She has a great passion for all things history related and is an avid reader!

Mike – When Mike met me, I was dressed up as Spock for a fancy dress party. We bonded over our love for the written word and I have a copy of his book on my bookshelf!

Charlotte – Charlotte’s other half was good friends with mine at University and he got in contact with me a little while ago. I checked out Charlotte’s blog and I loved her fun and friendly style of writing. Her journey into the world of Journalism is unique and interesting and she is a great addition to our Limebird family.

Neeks – When I first started Limebird, I stumbled upon Neeks’ blog – ‘The Long and Short of It‘ which is fab ( check it out if you haven’t seen it before). She gets given three words and then creates a story from them. It’s simply great and we are so lucky to have nabbed her for Limebird, as she gives a fantastic insight to potential writers.

Kate – I really enjoy browsing through blogs on here, searching for great new writing blogs to read. I was lucky enough to come across Kate’s blog – ‘4am writer‘  which is all about her adventures in writing, which I immediately loved. She is another writer that I am so grateful that we have added to the Limebird team as she’s definitely invaluable.

Aaron – I met Aaron through doing martial arts at University. We were paired up and I ended up accidently kicking him in his eh hem.. man parts.. but he still wanted to be my friend. Cut a long story short… 5 years later, he is still my long suffering other half and puts up with my daily musings and ideas for Limebird and encourages me every step of the way. He has such a creative mind and always has a great take on writing and offers plot suggestions that I wouldn’t have even thought of.

Cat – Cat, I actually met through Twitter. She expressed an interest in our blog and I’m glad she did because she’s a fabulous and quirky writer. Her advice to writers (beginners and professionals) is so useful and she is very kind natured and encouraging.

Caroline – I met Caroline at University – we were studying the same course. We also lived together for a year, sharing wine and gossip most of the time! She is a determined, creative writer now working in the world of publishing. Her experience is great to pass on to others looking to get into the publishing industry!

Lorna – Lorna is another fabulous writer that we connected with through Limebird and we are really lucky to have found her too. Her blog – ‘Gin and Lemonade‘ is full to the brim of great heartwarming posts that make me chuckle most of the time, so you should definitely check it out.

Kaiser – Kaiser I met through his daily musings throughout NaNoWriMo!  –QxFace.  Although he is relatively new to the writing blogosphere, he has a wealth of advice to offer about the world of writing. We are very lucky to have him on board!

Pass On To 6 Bloggers

Ok, so for this one, I’m going to go with 6 brand spanking new bloggers that I recently discovered through Limebird, whose blogs I enjoy reading.

(In no particular order)

1) Rilla Writer

2) Alpha Writer

3)  Darla Writes

4)  Brandi Nielsen

5)  Gillian Colbert

6) Winsomebella

OK I have two more.. shhhh don’t tell anyone!

7) Word Flows

8) WordsFallFromMyEyes

Enjoy and a Happy New Year to everyone!

33 Comments to “Limebird Writers Are Kreativ Bloggers! (Happy 2012!)”

  1. Congratulations! You are indeed creative with a capital K!

  2. Congrats! I’m looking forward to more great posts this year.

  3. What a way to start the new year indeed – thank you! 🙂 I’m honoured. I liked the way you shared word on all your writers. I think that’s wonderful, and I enjoyed reading how you met them, & how you came up with this great site! Thank you Beth – and cheers to your whole team!

    I only started a few months ago, but my, what a community I’ve landed in here at WordPress. It’s great.

    • You are most welcome! Thank you, the site woudn’t be much without all the hard work of the writers and I’m very grateful to have met them all.

      Yes, we also only started at the end of September and the experience has been AMAZING. Here’s to this year! 😀

  4. Wow, I, um, wow. Thank you! And very big congratulations to you!

  5. Happy New year!
    All the best.

  6. Congratulations on your award! Happy New Year to all of the writers at Limebird!

  7. Thank you–I am honored. You have such a wonderful mix of writing and ideas and inspiration in the Limebird blog–what a treasure it is. I appreciate the nod from such a fine group.

  8. Happy New Year 🙂 Wishing you and the entire Limebird Writers team a wonderful year! (and way to start it with a well-deserved award!)

  9. What a nice surprise! I come home from church, check my email, and find this gift in my mailbox. Thank you, Limebirds! You are a fun and supportive writing group, so encouraging to all of us. Happy New Year!

  10. You are most certainly welcome 🙂 I love reading how you met everyone, what a cute idea!

    And you know you must be good if he’s willing to stick with you after you destroyed his goods 😉 So funny!

  11. Thank you Beth, for your kind words. I enjoy reading all the posts here, so many different points of view and ways of thinking about things – it’s awesome!

  12. Congrats and Happy New Year!

  13. Thanks for the honor, and congrats to you all! I enjoy what I find on Limebird Writers because you cover a variety of great topics. May your year be full of ‘kreativ’-ity!

  14. Thanks for visiting my blog and congratulations, not just the awards, you have a wonderful concept here and looks like a lot of fun and very useful. Born out of inspiration, attracting like minded souls, love it. Bonne Continuation!

  15. Woop, woop! Congratulation you kreative kreatures! A much deserved award and very enjoyable to read about the Limebirds and how this blog was born. 🙂

  16. Quirky? Moi! Forsooth! The very shame! Alas! 😀

    Ta muchly x


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