100 Word Challenge – “It wasn’t my fault”

by limebirdwriters

Oh yes, it’s that time of the week again! It’s the 100 Word Challenge from Julia’s Place. If you’re seeing this from now on… it means it’s FRIDAAAAAAY!! huzzah. Anyways, the prompt this week was ‘it wasn’t my fault’. These are the offerings from myself and Limebirdkate. We hope you enjoy them!

100 word challenge


       Shriveled and shapeless its

     new world ceased turning.

Confusion muddles

the scene but eyes still

   wait with deep yearning.

Rivulets pink and

gummy wash a path

of terror. I say

It wasn’t my fault,

numb with burden of

truth, murder, error.

Our arms heavy with

death, we must travel.

It wasn’t my fault

I scream desperate

under the gavel.

Through barred light I see

the one gone away,

Hanging by the cord

twisted the wrong way.

My hands wring back sweats,

the smiles and whispers

 of excitement and

glee I can’t forget.

I’d do it again.

It wasn’t my fault.


Ok, so Neeks did a post recently about dialogue, so I thought I would have a go at doing this 100 Word Challenge made up entirely of dialogue. Was quite tricky, but enjoyable!


“Yes darling?”

“Umm. It wasn’t me.”

“What is it? What’s wrong?”

“By the way I didn’t actually do anything because I don’t even know how it really happened but I might have accidentally but not on purpose kind of maybe made the cakes that were on the side fall on the floor. I wasn’t even near to them or anything and they fell and splatted everywhere. Then I tried to clean it up and then I was worried that Scruffy would eat it and then it accidentally went in my mouth. It wasn’t my fault though.”

Part One of the Limebird Friday 100 Word Challenges

44 Responses to “100 Word Challenge – “It wasn’t my fault””

  1. Wow Kate. Your poem is well and truly brilliant! So cleverly written and I love the rhythm of it.

    You have wiped the floor with mine! Haha. It’s great how every week our offerings are so different.

  2. Wonderful poem! And thanks for the link to this challenge. I am going to have to look into participating in this myself!

  3. Kate, I like yours, really I do… but it sorta creeps me out. I think you did too good a job.

    Beth, I like the very improper, totally organic kidspeak you did (and it help stop my spine crawling from Kate’s).

    • Thank you Shannon, I know Kate’s was so chilling. That’s when you know it’s really well written.

      Haha, thanks, having 7 and 10 year old siblings helps a lot! I did initially use the commas as normal, but took them out as I hoped it would read quick as well.

    • Hi Shannon.

      You have me laughing so hard right now. I don’t usually write creepy things, so I have no idea where this came from!! I’ll tone it down next week. 🙂

      • It was creepy in a GOOD way – like my story about the teenager with the fighting parents.

        It’s sorta weird, but nothing actually stayed with me… I couldn’t tell you (without looking) a single word you wrote, but you conveyed a mood/feeling soooo clearly just thinking about it is making my spine crawl. Maybe that’s just me (I tend to have a deficit for retaining poetry).

        BTW, nothing I’ve read from Poe has made me that goosebumpy (I mean that as a compliment, in case you’re wondering).

      • Creepy in a good way — okay! I’ll take it! 🙂 Yes, I remember your piece about the teen and the parents, and that was a harsh read.

        I commented along here to someone that I don’t usually write poetry, so this was a huge shock to me–Not just the poetry form, but also how disturbing the overall tone was. I can’t watch horror movies to save my life, and I still shudder when I think about Silence of the Lambs.

        I don’t know…it’s all quite weird. But thanks for letting me know that this piece put me in the running with Poe. Maybe I found a new niche! 😉 haha.

  4. Once again, succinct and pure and descriptive and lovely and to the point. In the two different way you approached this, you’ve both outlined a real truth behind the statement. Love them both. 😎

  5. Beth, may I become a limebird writer? How do I go about that? Thank you. I’m in Michigan, USA.

    • Hi Maggie,

      Unfortunately we aren’t looking to take on any new members at the moment, but please do send over some more information about yourself, why you would want to join the team and an example of what type of posts you would be interested in writing through here – https://limebirduk.wordpress.com/contact/ and we will let you know if and when this changes. (This information will go straight to our email address, not published on the site)


  6. The poem is so powerful, amazing flow of words. And I loved the dialogue too. Two for ont!

  7. another two thumbs and two big toes up!! 🙂

  8. Kate, that poem was absolutely riveting. It just grabbed me right at the beginning and never let go. Wow!

    Beth, I could just see the cakes all over the floor, though I’m not sure I’d want to eat them from there! LOL I thought the dialogue was great 🙂

  9. Kate, you got me sitting here with goosebumps, which was the point, I assume. Beth, yours reminds me of something my ten-year-old daughter would say. The funny thing is I had a little of each of yours in my own entry this week. It was all dialogue and it was someone saying it wasn’t my fault, when really it was, and yet it’s about a girl who has killed her lover being interviewed by the police. http://wp.me/p2acTK-1a Good on the both of ya!

  10. Beautifully done, both of you! Kate, I loved the poem, absolutely riveting. Beth, I loved the breathlessness of your dialogue – you can feel the panic. 🙂 I really enjoyed both pieces!

  11. I love the different takes on the prompt. Kate’s poem is amazing. Great rhythm. Beth’s dialogue is well executed. I can hear the voice of a teenage daughter.

  12. Those really are two very different pieces! I read the poem twice, and am still not sure exactly what it is about! It has some great imagery and is certainly very creepy!
    The cakes on the floor – um! I think we all had a moment or two like that when we were kids! Brought it all back!

    • Thank you so much! 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed them.

      I just headed over to your site to read yours, but my brain couldn’t work out how to comment. Really great jobs, they’re addictive aren’t they!

  13. The poem is really powerful and vivid.

    Your dialogue was perfect. I could here the child’s voice clearly.


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